Ponderings this week include….
1…the story in the paper suggesting that the ‘we buy your gold’ adverts are misleading… and that they don’t offer you the true market value. SHOCK HORROR!! Really? Who’d have thought that a company asking you to put your unwanted or ‘spare’ gold in a little paper envelope and send it to a random address would not offer you the same as the Gold Exchange? And anyway, who has ‘spare’ gold? If you have spare gold then you don’t need the £5.50 someone will offer you in exchange for your Elizabeth Duke clown necklace….
2…Jedward. Yes I might sound like a snob but c’mon Cowell, even Mr Blobby and Robson & Jerome sang more in tune and in time than those pair of idiots. Nuff said.
3…apparently the NHS is not putting enough money into obesity surgery operations (gastric bands etc). Why should they? This is not cancer or heart failure. As much as we all hate to admit it, the simple solution to obesity is cutting back on your calorie consumption and not sitting on your arse watching telly. Being overweight is not the fault of Mr Kipling and Ronald McDonald, the fault lies solely with the individual. Yep it’s hard, yep it’s really boring but it is a simple equation: too many calories = bigger clothes. And those of you who know me know that I’m not being a high and mighty skinny-minny – far from it. I know how dull it is and also that I am completely rubbish at sticking to diets. BUT *any* surgery has it’s risks, why take them if you don’t have to? There are alternatives… join Weight Watchers or if you truly have a problem (which I admit some people do) then seek a counsellor who can help treat your eating disorder properly. Leave the NHS budgets to pay for Leukaemia treatment in children…
4… I’m very conscious of the fact the beautiful deep blue nail varnish I have been sporting for a few days has stained my nails so badly that it looks as though I am a cross between a lazy slut who has very badly chipped nails and someone with pretty severe frostbite. Neither are good options and felt a right prat on the train this morning. Note to self – paint over it tonight with ANY colour. This look is not a good one.
5…the Evian skating babies advert. Weird not cute. Creepy in fact. Nuff said.
6...Inappropriate crush of the week - Dane Bowers. Please don't judge me.