Boyf and I are having a clear-out...of everything. We need to get fitter and clean up our act health wise plus we have to stop being such chronic hoarders.
I started it a couple of weeks ago by emptying out the wardrobe whilst he was away for the weekend. 2 huge bags of rubbish went along with another bag for the charity shop. If that's what I can find in one wardrobe I dread to think what we can do with the rest of the flat!
After almost a year, we finally got round to putting up some new pictures this weekend. Last year we lovingly framed some prints and pictures and decided where they should go... and then left them propped against the spare room wall until this Sunday. Since then, I've added about a dozen items to ebay and have a pile of even more to go to the charity shop.
But the major cleaning up of our acts has to come in the smoking department. Yes, Boyf and I are part of that socially revolting group of smokers. Shock horror!! Ridiculous really. I like to think we're reasonably intelligent folk, we watch what we eat (to an extent but dear god I love food), we try to keep fit (albeit begrudgingly) and we don't drink to excess so why do we persist in shovelling this poison into our systems?!
I should have no problem giving up - I smoke less than 5 a day, often go two days without a cigarette but can happily polish off 20 a day if I'm in a social situation. Boyf, however, is a teensy bit more difficult. Since his 20's he has reduced his intake from 30 to 20 a day. Still not great. Every stop-gap he encounters requires a fag. Drive to work - fag, get to work - fag, morning coffee break - fag (maybe 2) and so this continues throughout the day. I must be honest, even as a smoker it drives me insane. I have no problem going 12hours without one but I know that most smokers cannot - particularly Boyf. Whenever we've travelled by plane the preparation of timing has been ridiculous - checking-in but not going airside until the last minute so a final ciggie can be smoked and then once we touch down the lighter is out of the pocket in readiness for the moment we walk outside of those airport doors. Grrrrrrr!
So, I must give the Boyf a huge round of applause. He's now been cigarette-free for 84 hours, that's 3 and half days to you and me. He's insistent that I don't have to give up - this is something he has to do for himself, particularly since he had notification of getting a place in the 2010 London Marathon. Something tells me that managing that with a 20 a day habit could be quite difficult... He may not 'need' me to give up too but I think I should. I have had 3 cigarettes in those 3 and a half days but I have none left and need not buy any more. If he can do it, so can I. My problem is now CHOCOLATE! His view is that if he can lose the cancer-sticks then I can cut down on the chocolate. Bugger. I wish I'd said I'll give up breathing. It would be easier....